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Our Mission

Better Education For The Future

Learning is the foundation for improvement. The more we learn, the better our lives become. The more everyone learns, the better the world becomes. Our mission is to create better lives and a better world through learning and education.

Many colleges have slipped into a place that values money more than their students and education. We're here to fix that. Strafford Blake teaches students what they need to succeed at the right cost, and we hope all colleges will join us to solve this problem.

The more we learn, the better our lives become. The more everyone learns, the better the world becomes.

Stopping the student debt

Hands-on learning
Learn from practicing and experiencing things.
Your own Mentor
Learn from practicing and experiencing things.

A massive problem in the US is the cost of college. The total student loan debt in the United States is $1.7 trillion. That's twice what credit card debt is. It's astounding.

And for what? Many degrees don't teach students the skills they actually need to have successful careers. In fact, they hardly teach them how to get a career. The ratio of career advisors to students at US colleges is over 1500:1.

One career advisor for every 1500 students. I've seen even worse figures.

So in addition to helping students learn what they need to know, and helping them find their first jobs, we can do it without causing them to go into debt that can take decades to pay off.

Create the path to success by learning through real-world examples from.

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It’s time to take the next step forward. Are you ready? Also, feel free to get in touch if you have questions.